Thursday, March 29, 2007

I'm Not Perfect

I unknowingly made a mistake at work yesterday. Not a huge mistake, but a mistake that was caught today by the Investigator for the Equal Rights Commission, who in turn called the Managing Shareholder of my office. Normally, something of this caliber would throw me into a fit of panic and a three-day tailspin into depression. Not this time.

Not only did I fess up to the mistake, which could’ve easily been swept under the rug, but I also took a good ribbing by my co-workers. I took it like a champ. I figure, if I didn't do my job so good, they wouldn’t be able to tease me about a minor mistake.

Ahhh, the sweet smell of progress.


Barbora said...

That's very cool.

Leila V. said...


Anonymous said...


Lacy said...

Way to go Leila! That really is progress!

Laureen said...

That is progress! I could have written the same thing, a mistake like that would ruin my mood for days...


Leila V. said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are all so supportive. ;)

It seems minor, but a year ago I would've been bawling my eyes out. I would've replayed the incident in my head for days on end! The mind can be a terrible thing!