Saturday, March 31, 2007

Do I Dare

I’m considering participating in a clinical trial of an iodine-based drug that’s purported to relieve breast pain associated with menstruation. I’m actually considering taking a drug that’s not on the market and hasn’t been approved by the FDA.

When I heard the ad on the radio, I realized this study could be my in for the mammogram I’ve been waiting for my entire life. I nearly fell over myself getting to the phone.

Of course, I don’t qualify for a mammogram, but I do qualify to participate in the trial, and even though my original motive was the mammogram, I still find myself intrigued.

The trial takes place over a six-month period and involves keeping a daily diary and getting a monthly breast exam. A breast exam performed by a male doctor. That alone may be more stress than it’s worth.

But, what I’m more concerned about are the potential side effects; the real ones and the fake ones I'll make up in my mind. I don’t know if I can handle it mentally. I get freaked out about overdosing when I take three Advil.

The trial is a level III study, which means the drug has already been tested on animals and humans, and is ready to be released to the market.

Do I dare volunteer to be a test dummy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your blog is terrific, hysterical, and I can relate to every word of it. I stumbled on it today researching my permanently enlarged lymph nodes (had these "shotty" nodes all over my body, esp. under jaw) that I've had since I was 13. I have had an enlarging mouth sore under my tongue for the past four days, so now I'm suddenly re-obsessed with my nodes because I'm convinced my mouth sore is metastatic oral cancer. I happened to have a tooth-cleaning scheduled for this morning, and the dentist "hmmed" at my mouth ulcer, said it didn't look suspicious, but to come back in 2 weeks if it didn't go away. Can you relate to the anxiety of this? I know you can. It doesn't help that I have actually had significant health issues like a stroke resulting from a congenital heart defect which had to be repaired with open heart surgery...or that my handsome 38 year-old husband was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer almost three years ago (he's doing well, thank God), and my mom was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer over five years ago (she's doing well, too, but ended up also having heart surgery to repair the same defect that caused my stroke). I wasn't always crazy you see, but a person can only take so much. I was just glad to find your blog to know that there is someone else out there who thinks about their ailments and those of loved ones, as much as me. -Samantha