Monday, October 23, 2006

Low Self-Esteem 101

This is a perfect example of why women, namely myself, have low self-esteem. While this clip isn't about hypochondria, I think it's related because low self-esteem often accompanies hypochondria; at least in my case it does.

The media's portrayal of "beauty" definitely has something to do with my issues of self-worth and inadequacy. We all know models are airbrushed, but actually seeing it happen is powerful...


Tournesol said...

Wow, that is interesting. I know it doesn't matter how pretty you are, women can still suffer from low self esteem, but I think you are very beautiful, especially the picture you had up before of your pretty eyes.

Lacy said...

Leila...this is sick. Can you believe how we totally buy into the idea that woman are just naturally like THIS? Egad.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Speechless!

Anonymous said...

Yeah that is amazing, and sad. I read somewhere that when women read beauty magazines, their self image drops. :( It is not natural to 'perfectly beautiful'.

hahabeatchahypochodria said...
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