Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Minor Crisis

I’m at work and I’m slipping into a fit of hypochondria.

All morning I was smelling weird odors. I can’t really describe them, almost like dirty nickels or I don’t know, just a faint nastiness in the air. I thought okay, possible brain tumor, no big deal.

Now, my left arm is feeling heavy and borderline numb. I’m seeing clear squiggly lines floating through the air. I'm starting to feel "loopy". I just chewed two aspirins in case I’m having a heart attack, and now the left side of my mouth feels numb.

Breathe in...breathe out...


Barbora said...

I really hate it when I start getting freaked out at work.

Hang in there.

It could actually be that there REALLY IS a bad smell in the office. Co-workers lunches can really reek.

Leila V. said...

lol. You make a good point.

I'm feeling better now. There's nothing like hardcore computer problems to take your mind off death.

Lacy said...

I've had these random dull aches in my right breast/chest area. No clue what they are. Happens about ten times an hour. I thought-heart attack? But I'm not dead yet...so it seems to be just "random dull aches." ;)

Leila V. said...

I have those same "aches," in the same spot! They drive me crazy! I'm thinking more along the lines of clogged arteries or lung cancer...

Anonymous said...

I had those aches too and I had a rib out. There are tons of little muscles that get aggravated when that happens. I thought - cancer - but my chiropractor said - NO, Rib.

Leila V. said...

My God! A rib out? That has to be dangerous. Sounds like an internal organ getting punctured waiting to happen. How did you manage that?

Anonymous said...

I love this blog so much.

Leila V. said...
