Saturday, February 16, 2008

You know you're crazy when...

You wake up on a lovely Saturday morning to an intense stabbing sensation in the back of your neck and know immediately what it’s caused by; a throat tumor pushing on your spine.


Stepherlyn said...

Stabbing pain in your neck? We must be drinking the same kind of water because that's what I've been waking up to the last couple of days. I just figure it was a blood cloth leading to a brain stem tumor, ect, ect, ect...
Take some ibuprofen.

Breathe easy, friend.

AnxiousAnnie said...

Leilllaaaaaa.. gosh I havent logged into blogger in a minute.. Do you remember me?? Anxious Annie.. aka crazy lymphoma hypochondriac girl.. I wanted to check up on you and see how you are doing.. ive got a lot of reading to do!



Leila V. said...

Anxious Annie:
Of course I remember you! You are not one to be forgotten. :) I'm as "well" as can be expected, how's life treating you?

hushlittle1 said...

Oh my god it's nice to see that i'm not the only one with this craziness. i've been going nuts with it any little thing makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with me or what do i have makes me just run to the emergency room. and to make it worse i have anxiety disorder too. i know sometimes i drive my family crazy but they are always there for me. i just wish my brain would slow down.